Do I need to have a USGA handicap to join?
You do not need one initially, but you will need to establish one before you can compete for the prize purse in a tournament. You can obtain one at number of area courses, or the PGT can take care of your handicapping for an annual fee of $35. We use the GHIN system through the Western Pennsylvania Golf Association for our official USGA handicaps. You can activate a GHIN at any official golf club. Going through the PGT (a type II golf club) is a better solution as we ensure all tournament scores are properly posted for you, and can edit or correct posting errors. All new members without a USGA handicap are required to submit scores (which accurately represent the game you play) from a minimum of 10 rounds of golf you played in the last 24 months. We will also keep a PGT tounament index that represents your tournament play average and you will play to the lower of the two once established.