Avalon at Buhl Park Results, PCS #5---Sunday June 2, 2024

#REMINDER-all players MUST promptly and correctly post all their own rounds to GHIN or you may receive a penalty score and/or service charge.....and make sure it is posted as a COMPETITION round if it was a tournament.  Also, make sure slope and rating (tees played) is correct, and you should enter scores hole by hole if available to make sure it is properly reduced if needed (max score allowed per hole).  If the tees you played are different than what is in the system, you can simply go to www.ghin.com to manually enter course name, slope, rating, and total 18 hole score.
(you have to know if any hole is reduced for posting purposes (max per hole is par + 2 + however many strokes you get on that particular hole based on your current GHIN index). 
NOTE: you must promptly get your round posted after play because the GHIN system updates players indexes every day and we need the differential number for your next tournament handicap calculation.
Avalon at Buhl--Results and Payouts, 6/2/24
Tees played---par 70
Course Position 3 tees-- 69.9/132 -- for all regular players
#(post hole by hole in GHIN using mens Pos 3 tee for Avalon at Buhl Park, Hermitage PA) 
This was PCS tournament #5. 
Avalon at Buhl was in nice condition and those that thought it would rain missed out.  Only a brief light drizzle mid way through and all the forecasted rain stayed far away.
Round times were excellent averaging under 4 hours.  We added more to the prize purse for better payouts.  This was also the 3rd and final round of the Spring Series tournament.
Congratulations to all the winners.

Flight 1 Payouts--$385-$290-$200-$100-$60
Position--Player--Gross Score (Net Score)--Actual Payout
1st--Brian Proch--78 (70)--$385
T2--Dave Pulaski--79 (71)--$245
T2--Andy Johnson--77 (71)--$245 
T4--Jake Bachman--78 (72)--$80 
T4--Joe Pici--79 (72)--$80

Flight 2 Payouts
Position--Player--Gross Score (Net Score)--Actual Payout
1st--Pat Petit-- 92 (64)--$385
2nd--Dave Bryant-- 86 (68)--$290
3rd--Pat Capatolla-- 85 (69)--$200
T4--Dan Rieg-- 85 (72)--$53

T4--Doug Boyle-- 82 (67)--$53
T4--Dan Kestner-- 90 (72)--$53

 NOTE--All the following daily side game/skill contests were optional with payouts based on players who entered them  

Flight 1 Gross and Net Skins -- 13 at $35 each  
# of skins won--Player--Total amount won
2--Mike Sliman--$70
3--Don Stetzer--$105
1--Andy Johnson--$35 
4--Jake Bachman--$140
1--Stephen McAfee--$35

2--Shawn Harvey--$70

 Flight 2 Gross and Net Skins -- 11 at $38 each 
# of skins won--Player--Total amount won
1--Vinny Oswald--$38
2--Doug Boyle--$76
2--Dan Rieg--$76
1--Jim Ezick--$38 
2--Dan Kestner--$76
1--Joe Hetrick--$38
2--Pat Petit--$76

Closest to the Pin: 
Hole--Flight--Player--Amount Won 
CTP#4--Flight 1 -- Tony Brovey--$55
CTP#4--Flight 2 -- Dan Rieg--$50
CTP#14--Flight 1 -- Mike Sliman--$55
CTP#14--Flight 2 -- Jim Ezick--$50
CTP#18--Flight 1 -- Shawn Harvey--$55
CTP#18--Flight 2 -- Doug Boyle--$50

Buhl1 850 x 1129
Buhl2 850 x 1129

Avalon Buhl PCS       Points Points
Player Player Gross Hcpe Net POY PCS
Patrick Petit PCS 92 28 64 400 400
Dave Bryant PCS 86 18 68 350 350
Patric Capatolla PCS 85 16 69 325 325
Brian Proch PCS 78 8 70 310 310
David Pulaski PCS 79 8 71 295 295
Andrew Johnson PCS 77 6 71 295 295
Dan Rieg PCS 85 13 72 260 265
Doug Boyle PCS 82 10 72 260 265
Joe Pici PCS 79 7 72 260 265
Dan Kestner PCS 90 18 72 260 265
Jake Bachman   78 6 72 260  
Colin Gray PCS 78 5 73 225 240
Stephen McAfee   77 4 73 225  
Robert Strom PCS 89 15 74 205 225
Shawn Harvey PCS 78 4 74 205 225
Tom Rezak PCS 85 10 75 175 200
Justin Palmer PCS 84 9 75 175 200
Michael Sliman PCS 76 1 75 175 200
Donald Stetzer   76 1 75 175  
James Auten PCS 82 6 76 140 175
Tony Araujo PCS 95 19 76 140 175
CJ Murray   81 5 76 140  
Brian Gostic PCS 87 10 77 110 150
Don Keller PCS 94 17 77 110 150
James McFadden PCS 84 7 77 110 150
Vinny Oswald PCS 94 16 78 0 120
Anthony Brovey PCS 82 4 78 0 120
Joseph Hetrick PCS 94 16 78 0 120
Steve Skopinski   82 4 78 0  
Ryne Murray PCS 85 5 80 0 100
Eric Yandrich PCS 101 19 82 0 0
Bob Noble   98 16 82 0  
Ryan Schutte PCS 98 15 83 0 0
Jeff Davis PCS 91 7 84 0 0
James Ezick PCS 94 10 84 0 0
Adam Stevens PCS 100 15 85 0 0
Ron Mutinelli   x 7 x 0  
2024 Spring Series Tournament  
Player Lindenwood Yough CC Avalon Buhl Total  
  05/05/2024 05/19/2024 06/02/2024   Payouts
Dan Rieg 74 70 72 216 $220
James Auten 71 70 76 217 $120
Dan Kestner 81 68 72 221 $60
Joe Pici 80 72 72 224  
Jeff Davis 72 69 84 225  
Andrew Johnson 77 78 71 226  
Brian Gostic 76 75 77 228  
Don Keller 75 77 77 229  
Michael Sliman 80 75 75 230  
Tom Rezak 83 75 75 233  
Dave Bryant 73 95 68 236  
Eric Yandrich 77 79 82 238  
Shawn Harvey 83 83 74 240  
James Ezick 79 78 84 241  
Joseph Hetrick 87 80 78 245  
Vinny Oswald 85 91 78 254  
Dewayne Tuthill 74 73 DNP N/A  
John Glomb 83 76 DNP N/A  
Jeff Olander 80 79 DNP N/A  
Anthony Brovey 81 DNP 78 N/A