Oglebay Resort, Speidel JONES Course Results---SATURDAY June 22, 2024

This was a small single tournament and Day 1 of a seperate 36 hole tournament for those playing Saturday on the Jones Course and Sunday on the Palmer Course.
Weather was hot and sticky but a slight breeze made it bearable.  Jones Course was in great shape.
The Palmer Course Sunday is the larger regular PCS tournament for points and those results are posted seperately.
Congratulations to all the winners.

Oglebay Resort, The Jones Course--Results and Payouts, 6/22/24
Tees played---par 71
Course white tees-- 69.6/123 -- for all regular players
#(post hole by hole in GHIN using mens white tee for Oglebay, Jones Course, Wheeling WV) 
Position--Player--Gross Score (Net Score)--Actual Payout
1st--Dave Pulaski--*75 (*70)--$150 *(correction to score as seen on score sheet)
2nd--Dan Rieg-- 83 (72)--$100

3rd--Rob Strom-- 86 (73)--$50

 NOTE--All the following daily side game/skill contests were optional with payouts based on players who entered them  

Gross and Net Skins -- 8 at $43 each  
# of skins won--Player--Total amount won
3--Tony Brovey--$129
3--Dave Pulaski--$129

1--Dan Rieg--$43
1--Dan Kestner--$43

Closest to the Pin: 
Hole--Flight--Player--Amount Won 
CTP#15 -- Brian Gostic--$40
CTP#4 -- Shawn Harvey--$40
CTP#11 -- Don Jobes--$40
